Thursday, September 6, 2012

I have really great friends

No matter the day, if I can remember to take a minute to be grateful for all of the amazing people in my life, I realize I don't have it that bad. I am a seriously lucky girl. My family and friends are role models, support, inspiration, and always good for a laugh. Sometimes I am alone, but never because I have to be.

This past weekend I got to see a lot of the very important people in my life, from a lot of different phases of it. Guys, I know a lot of awesome people. They are all interesting, engaged, intelligent, and compassionate. They are the sorts of people who will pick you up when you're down and are always ready to dive into a great conversation about something you didn't know was so significant to you. That weekend felt like living inside a giant hug.

The best part about it is that keeping that kind of company can really snap me out of whatever self-involved, self-pitying funk I may have fallen into. I look around at the people I love so much, and remember that while many of them love me unconditionally, I still have to be worthy of having them in my life. It motivates me to pick myself up, remember how fortunate I am, and forge forward with the strength and determination that they deserve to see in me. They inspire me to be stronger, to accomplish more, to work toward the best version of myself. Simply by the examples they set, they make me want to live up to them.

So this is an open thank you to everyone who's had a positive impact on me. There are a lot of you. I am grateful for every one of you, and hope that I can provide half of the comfort you do.

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