Wednesday, January 1, 2014

I'm not much one for special occasion resolutions. I believe in working to be better every day. So in 2014, I'll continue all of the things I did in 2013: try to increase my patience and generosity, get enough exercise, and get more sleep. Other things will come up as the year moves on, and I'll tackle them in order of appearance.

I was pretty happy to see 2012 go. In 2013 I moved, gained more publications, moved again, reconnected with some old friends, and ended up in a spot I would not have predicted. This has been a tough year, too, but also rewarding and challenging and exciting. Let's see what 2014 has waiting. I'm cautiously optimistic.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

In words better than my own

Snark is often conflated with cynicism, which is a troublesome misreading. Snark may speak in cynical terms about a cynical world, but it is not cynicism itself. It is a theory of cynicism.

The practice of cynicism is smarm.

-Tom Scocca

Sunday, September 22, 2013

If all goes to plan, the one on the far right will be me in fifty years or so.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Remember that time I forgot I had a blog?

This weekend I drove overnight to take part in the wedding of two of the world's finest people. I tend not to be an overtly emotional person, but weddings get me, especially when it's a couple I've known for the length of their relationship and whom I treasure separately and together.

It's easy, in one's twenties, to be a little cynical. I fall into it often. But once in a while I am reminded of the power of how much two people can love each other, and how they can be bolstered by all the people who care about them, and that's a pretty amazing thing. Congratulations to my amazing friends, who have a beautiful life ahead of them.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

I'm in Maine for a few days, by myself. It's so quiet and familiar. As happens every time, I can't quite figure out why I left in the first place.

Thursday, July 4, 2013


I'm going to a pool party this afternoon and forgot to buy beer yesterday, so today I called my neighborhood wine store to see if they were open.

Me: Oh, hi! I was just wondering what your hours are today.
NLS: Nine to eleven.
Me: (Looking at clock) So if I run in I can still make it?
NLS: Oh, honey! Eleven p.m.! Don't you run anywhere in this heat. You come in nice and leisurely. 

Thanks, Boston. Missed you.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Unemployment = More Cooking

I made a bastardized niçoise for dinner. It's big enough to take over the world.