Saturday, August 11, 2012

Some goals

I've been having a tough time lately. Nothing earth-shattering, nothing super traumatic, just one of those periods of a lot of change that I'm not handling as best I could.

I still haven't gotten the new apartment in order. It's been a busy couple of weeks full of social engagements and work stuff. None of this is an excuse. I have trouble feeling centered at all when my living space is in more than the usual disarray, and I know this about myself, and still have not taken enough steps to fix it. I blame only myself.

So, internet, I state a goal: today I will unpack some boxes. I know that doesn't sound like a whole lot of a goal, but I want to set something manageable. I have six hours before my next social thing, and in that time I need to unpack a bunch of stuff, take a trip to Home Depot, get some exercise, and bake something. All of this is possible.

First, I need to change out of my chic, layered pajamas (it's cold in the apartment this morning — glorious) and get my butt in gear. To productivity!

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